Screen Repair


Whether its sun damage, a crazy dog or an oblivious house guest window screens can take a beating leaving them punctured and worn out over the years.


I only need the screen wire replaced.

Great! We can usually do door re-screens on the spot.  Window screens however we prefer to do these on the shop table held in place by a jig.

What if the screen frame is bent or broken?

If the frame is bent or broken we can do a custom build.

What if the window screen is missing?

We will come out to the property take measurements.  There’s usually a 1 time cost for this unless we happen to be at your property cleaning the windows.

Can I drop my screens off at your shop and pick them up later?

Yes, we currently except drop offs and pick ups by appointment only.

Replace your window screen wire.

*Pet proof screening available upon request.

*Solar Screen available upon request. (Higher Privacy/Lower Ventilation/UV Protection)